There are some top universities in Germany 2020 that are known the world over for being some of the top universities in the world 2020, for you to choose from. Looking to study in Germany for free 2020? These German universities offer courses in many disciplines and deals with bachelors, masters, doctoral and post doctoral programs. What makes studying in Germany most attractive is the affiliation of the universities with many top companies, where students can get hands on experience while studying.

Top universities in Germany 2020 as per the Times Higher Education World University rankings

There are 11 top universities in Germany that stand among the top 200 universities in the world, according to the Times Higher Education World University rankings.

1)      Ludwig Maximilians Universitat Munchen stands 48th.

2)      Georg-August Universitat Gottingen is placed 70th.

3)      Universitat Heidelberg stands at 78th.

4)      Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin stands in the 99th place.

5)      Techniche Universitat Munchen is ranked 105th

6)      Freie Universitat Berlin is ranked 128th.

7)      Albert Ludwigs Universitat Freiberg is placed 144th

8)      Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is in the 151st position.

9)      RWTH Aachen University is 154th

10)  Universitat Bonn stands at 171st

11)  Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitat Frankfurt am Main is ranked 199th.

Top universities in Germany 2020 as per the QS World University Rankings

According to the QS World University rankings top 10 universities in Germany stand in the top 150 universities in the world. They are:

1)      Techniche Universitat Munchen in the 53rd position.

2)      Ruprecht Karls Universitat Heidelberg ranking 55th.

3)      Ludwig Maximilians Universitat Munchen or Ludwig Maximilian’s University of Munich in the 60th place.

4)      Freie Universitat Berlin placed 87th.

5)      Universitat Frieberg ranking 106th.

6)      Georg-August Universitat Gottingen at the 119th position.

7)      Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin ranked 130th.

8)      Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in the 141st place.

9)      Eberhad Karls Universitat Tubungen placed 144th.

10)  RWTH Aachen in the 150th position.

Each of the university rankings 2020 gives an overview of the top universities in Germany 2020. Some of the universities switch places in each ranking system but still remain among the top. This is due to the fact that the methodologies used to rate the universities differ among the ranking systems. Some German universities appear in one system and are not present in the other. The ranks are given so that a person can get an understanding of the top universities in Germany 2020 at a glance and acts as a guide.

2 Responses

  1. As knowledge is power, and as Germany is the land of ideas, we have to be proud with the level of Education in Germany especially in German universities within the last 20 years.

  2. As knowledge is power, and ad Germany is the land of ideas, we have to be proud with the level of Education in Germany especially in German university within the last 20 years.

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